Kimberly Withers
Sacred Ground Massage Therapy, Intuitive Counseling and Subconscious Imprinting


Welcome to Sacred Ground Massage and Intuitive Counseling.  A place for healing and connection to yourself, a place to stop and catch your breath!

I am trained in a variety of modalities in body work, energy work and coaching,  and you can click on the "Services & Rates" page to learn more about the various techniques I use in my work.

Also, if you’d like to set up an appointment with me, click on "Contact Me" and send me a message. I will call you back to confirm the details of your appointment, and also answer any questions you might have.

Thanks for visiting, many blessings,



Health Disclaimer:

Therapeutic Massage and all it's adjunct therapies, Energy work, Intuitive coaching/counseling are NOT a substitute for appropriate medical and or psychiatric care.  I do not diagnose or prescribe.  Sacred Ground (Kimberly Withers, LMT) uses alternative and complimentary  methods within the  scope of this practice, with your signed release.